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Supplementary information for

description (Caudell 1913)

Content:  Cocconotus charape, n. sp.

Description. - male (the female unknown): Allied to C. pulcher Brunner and runs to that species in the tables in Brunner’s Monograph of the Plseudophyllinae. It differs, however, very distinctly from that species.

In size and general coloration agreeing fairly well with pulcher. Head black and yellowish, the occiput blackish shading into yellowish on the cheeks and continuing yellowish down to the mouthparts; mandibles, labrum and base of the clypeus and the sides of the face piceous, front of the face dark reddish brown with an apically pitted tubercle in the centre; on each side and just above the ends of the clypeal suture the face bears a large erect piceous pointed tubercle about as long as the clypeus; antennae piceous basally, shading gradually to reddish brown. Pronotum without carinae, the shoulders only slightly squared; disk slightly rugose, truncate behind, gently rounded before, the main transverese sulcus profound and situated distinctly behind the middle; prosternal spines long, sharp an piceous, the rest of the lower surface of the thorax light yellowish; the disk and the lateral lobes of the pronotum margined with piceous and the central portion of the disk, especially anterior to the principal sulcus, light yellowish brown, which colour continues down diagonally forwards entirely across the lateral lobes. Legs stout and yellowish, the coxae, the geniculations and the dorsal surface of the anterior tibiae more or less infuscated; fore tibiae furnished with conchate foramina and armed above on the inner margin with four tubercular swellings and armed beneath with a double row of spines; fore femora less than one and one half times as long as the pronotum, smooth above but armed beneath on th but the tibiae have three distinct spinules above; hind femora very stout and short, the greatest width about three and one half times the length, smooth above, beneath armed on the outer side with seven or eight stout spines and on the inner margin with a smaller number of smaller spines, all the spines piceous to the base; hind tibiae slightly curved, armed above and beneath on both margins with piceous spines, those beneath on both margins with piceous spines, those beneath smaller and placed more remote from each other. Elytra fully developed, surpassing the tip of the abdomen, the anterior half greenish, the posterior half brownish; tympanum small, that of the left elytron the smaller an margined with piceous; wings about as broad as long and very gently infumate, when folded just reaching the tip of the elytra. Abdomen moderately plump, dark brownish, apically growing lighter; supra-anal plate small, vertical apically, obtusangularly rounded, entire; subgenital plate moderately elongate, truncate apically and furnished with a pair of of elongate club-shaped apical spines, black in colour; cerci short, stout and apically cut squarely off, the tip slightly excavate and armed dorsally with a subapical tubercle.

Measurements. Entire length of body from the front to the head to the tips of the subgenital stylets, 33 mm.; pronotum , 7 mm.; elytra, 26 mm.; wings, 23 mm.; fore femora, 10 mm.; hind femora, 20 mm.; width of hind femora at the widest part, 6 mm.; of elytra at widest point, 7 mm.; three millimeters from the tip, 3 mm.; of wings at widest point, 21 mm.

Type a single male. Rio Charape, Peru, September 17, 1911. C. H. T. Townsend, collector. Catalogue No. 15320 U. S. Nat. Museum.

Source of information:  Caudell. 1913. Description of two new species of Orthoptera from Peru. Canadian Entomologist. 45:19-21

Date last modified:  Wednesday, January 10, 2007

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