Orthoptera Species File (Version 5.0/5.0)
Supplementary information for
Within the Scrofulosa Group, R. mopana is most similar to R. biolleyi Saussure, 1896 sharing with this species the loss of the median ocellus and the distinctive nasiform frontal process. The nasiform process in R. biolleyi is formed by the upturned apex of the inferior fold strongly overlapping that of the superior fold. Ripipteryx mopana differs in that the apex of the inferior fold is completely fused to the underlying superior fold. The frontal ornament of R. mopana further differs from that of R. biolleyi in the presence of carinulated pits on the lateral lobes of the inferior fold and deep, sinuous furrows (rather than ovoid cavities as in R. biolleyi) flanking the nasiform process. Both species possess a furcate cingulum with long, slender apodemes, though the apex of the basal plate is strongly bifurcated in R. mopana and undivided in R. biolleyi. Together, R. biolleyi and R. mopana appear to be most closely related to R. saltator Saussure, 1896 and R. saussurei Günther, 1969 sharing with these species a deep invagination of the inferior fold above the frontoclypeal lobe and the development of well-sclerotized denticles in the dorsal valves of the endophallus. These denticles are directed posteriorly and arranged in rows along valvular axial lobes, which are particularly well developed in R. mopana. Denticular lobes are not present in R. mediolineata Saussure, 1896, R. mexicana Saussure, 1859, R. scrofulosa Günther, 1969 and R. tricolor Saussure, 1896 all of which instead possess rows of weakly sclerotized, tubercle-like rugosities. Of these species, R. mediolineata and R. scrofulosa are apparently the most primitive of the group having the frontal folds poorly developed and lacking a frontoclypeal lobe.
Source of information:
Heads & S.J. Taylor. 2012. A new species of Ripipteryx from Belize (Orthoptera, Ripipterygidae) with a key to the species of the Scrofulosa Group.
. 169:1-8
Date last modified:
Friday, February 10, 2012
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