Adenes, genus diagnosis (translated from Beier 1962)
Fairly small, brownish animals. Frons transverse. Fastigium verticis triangular, concave, not projecting beyond margins of antennal sockets. Antennae very long, sacpus with terminal spine. Pronotum only very indistinctly rugosely granulated, completely flat, not saddle-shaped [i.e. not concave in lateral profile], anterior margin only slightly expanded and continuing almost in straight line into side lobes, with small median tubercle; transverse furrows fairly shallow, the posterior one distincly behind the middle and very little angled; side lobes considerably longer than high, ventral margin with narrow boundary [“schmal leistenförmig gerandet”], anterior and posterior corners broadly rounded. Tegmina relatively short, barely covering the abdomen and reaching hind knees, narrow. Sc and R in entire course fairly wide apart. Rs originating in apical third. M and Cu with common stem, apically curved toward rear margin, otherwise with fairly steady course. Hind wings with smoky tinge, roundish, with broad anal area. Meso- and metasternum transverse, flat, metasternal furrow long, slighly curved. Prosternum with 2 spines. Legs fairly short and strong, shortly pubescent [“kurz bewimpert”]. Fore femora slightly compressed, on ventral inner edge with spines. Genicular lobes rounded, at most with small, inward bent terminal spinule. Mid tibiae in basal half broadened, on dorsal inner edge usually only with a small indistinct spinule a little proximal of middle, rarely the sub-basal spinule is conserved as a tiny toothlet. Dorsal spines on outer edge of hind tibiae slighly smaller than those on inner edge. Supra-anal plate rounded triangular. Male cerci fairly short and thick, apically club-shaped, only with small, inward-directed terminal spinule. Male subgenital plate short and broad, distally narrowed, with deep and rounded terminal incision, styli very short, simple. Female subgenital plate triangular, terminally more or less incised. Ovipositor fairly broad, with small apical folds, dorsal margin with very flat and indistinct median kink, distal of that straight. Distribution: Tropical West Africa.