Translation of Beier 1962, p. 263:
D i a g n o s i s: Small animals. Vertex with some granules, of which the ones beside the eyes and at the base of the fastigium are conspicuous. Fastigium verticis narrow, not projecting beyond base of antennal sockets. Sacpus of antennae with terminal tooth. Pronotum wrinkled and sculptured [winkelig skulpturiert], flat, in the middle slightly constricted, the anterior margin with median tubercle, the transverse furrows, particularly the posterior one, distinctive, the metazona with lateral carinae, without distinctive humeral sinus, the lateral lobes longer than high, close-fitting, their ventral margins almost straight, the anterior corners rectangular, the posterior corners rounded. Tegmina barely projecting beyond abdomen, fairly broad, rough. Sc and R basally narrowly separated. Alae transparent, the veins yellow. Prosternal spines short and obtuse. Meso- and metasternum strongly transverse, the small pits connected by a long transverse groove. Legs short and compact, the forefemora shorter than the pronotum, on the ventral inner margin with 2-3 small spinules. Hind femora basally strongly club-shaped, on the ventral outer margin with 6 short spines. All genicular lobes rounded. Foretibiae dorsally unarmed. Hind tibae on the dorsal inner margin with 8 broad spines, on the outer margin with only 3 small spinules in basal half. Supra-anal plate triangular. Male cerci obtusely cone-shaped, simple. Male subgenital plate elongate, distally narrowed, terminally deeply incised, the styli rod-shaped, only about three times as long as thick.
D i s t r i b u t i o n: Northern South America