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Characters to separate taxa in Pyrgacrididae

frontal interocular carina of head
irregular, interrupted by several notchesinterrupted by only 1-2 notches
apodemes of metathorax
wide open
little or not open
coloration and measurements in [mm]

brownish ochre, partly greenish (possibly original overall colour); median and lower internal portion of hind femora red; genicular lobes internally brown, externally with brown spot; male body length 30, head + pronotum 8.4, pronotum 3.1, hind femora 10.7 [according to Hugel 2005: body 29.3, head 5.7, thorax 7.1, abdomen 16.5, femora 2.8, 3.3, 10.6]
light green, sometimes dark brown, often with light longitudinal dorsal stripe from head to abdomen tip; green individuals with orange fore and mid femora and yellowish hind femora, hind knees and tibiae dark blue to noir; male/female body 30.5-31/39-44, head 5.5/7-7.7, thorax 7.2-7.5/9.2-12, abdomen 19/20-25, femora 2.9/3-3.5, 3.1-3.3/4.1-4.5, 12.5-13.5/13.5-15.5
phallic complex --- both species have numerous images in taxa display
bridge of epiphallus narrower in middle, slightly curved and concave in relation to anterior tip; anterior projections well differentiated; cingulum as long as widebridge of epiphallus with more or less constant width, regularly curved and convex in relation to anterior tip; anterior projections only little differentiated; cingulum longer than wide
Pyrgacris relictus Pyrgacris descampsi
Source: Descamps. 1968. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. 73:32; Hugel. 2005. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. 110(2):153-159

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