Tegmina longitudinal veins with secondary veins between them, and many cross-veins
| Tegmina, no secondary veins between longitudinal veins, each vein bordered by rows of rather large cells; crossveins absent over most of tegmen, in their place an irregular reticulum of veinlets forming great number of very small cells
Wings of various colors, with brown to black tessellation becoming more dense and coalescing towards posterior and apical margins where it forms continuous dark band (tessellation not present in one species)
| Wings mostly suffused with red, violet or other colors, but without dark tessellation or dark band along hind margin |
Median pronotal crest often weaker, sometimes obsolete on metazona
| Median pronotal crest always present on metazona, where it is high anteriorly, gradually diminishing caudad |
Hind femora with median dorsal carina smooth, not serrulated
| Hind femora with median dorsal carina irregularly but definitely serrulated
Epiproct without lateral tubercles
| Epiproct with lateral tubercles near posterior margin of 10th abdominal tergite (may be partially hidden by that margin)
Epiphallus, lophi truncated at apices
| Epiphallus, lophi with pointed apices