Orthoptera Species File (Version 5.0/5.0)
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Data for specimen record

Current: species Velarifictorus (Velarifictorus) triangularis Ingrisch, 1998
Historical: Velarifictorus (Velarifictorus) triangularis; Information from S. Ingrisch, 2007; paratype of species Velarifictorus (Velarifictorus) triangularis Ingrisch, 1998; cited by Ingrisch. 1998. The genera Velarifictorus, Modicogryllus and Mitius in Thailand (Ensifera: Gryllidae, Gryllinae). Entomologica Scandinavica. 29(3):315-359; identified by S.Ingrisch, 1984; other identification, Automatic Insertion
Basis of record: not specified
Counts: females 1
Depository: ZMUC, Copenhagen
Data source: Copyright © University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museum, København [= Copenhagen], Denmark (ZMUC) and Sigfrid Ingrisch.
Other: note, IngrischImageData Import
Indo-China, Thailand: Thailand, Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep-Pui, Monthatarn Waterfall; Modern (is included in map)
Collecting event
October 16, 1984 to October 28, 1984; Karsholt, Lomholdt & Nielsen
female habitus dorsal view (paratype)
female habitus dorsal view (paratype)
female habitus lateral view (paratype)
Ecological relationships      

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