Orthoptera Species File (Version 5.0/5.0)
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Data for specimen record

Current: species Euparatettix tricarinatus (Bolívar, 1887)
Historical: Hedotettix celebicus; syntype of synonym Hedotettix celebicus Hancock, 1907; cited by Hancock. 1907. Studies of the Tetriginae (Orthoptera) in the Oxford University Museum. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1907:213-244, pl. 21
Basis of record: not specified
Counts: males 1
Depository: UMO, Oxford
Data source: not recorded
Other: no data
Malesia, Sulawesi: Macassar; S 5.114360, E 119.531306; Modern (is included in map)
Collecting event
January 01, 1896 to December 31, 1896; Doherty
male, lateral view (syntype of Hedotettix celebicus)
male, lateral view (syntype of Hedotettix celebicus)
male, dorsal view (syntype of Hedotettix celebicus)
male, frontal view (syntype of Hedotettix celebicus)
labels (syntype of Hedotettix celebicus)
Ecological relationships      

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