Orthoptera Species File (Version 5.0/5.0)
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Data for specimen record

Current: subspecies Oedipoda aurea jordanica Steinmann, 1965
Historical: Oedipoda aurea jordanica; holotype of subspecies Oedipoda aurea jordanica Steinmann, 1965; cited by Steinmann. 1965. New Oedipoda Latr. species and subspecies from Central and West Asia (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Reichenbachia. 6:1-13
Basis of record: not specified
Counts: males 1
Depository: HNHM, Budapest, Natural History Museum
Data source: not recorded
Other: no data
Western Asia, Palestine, Jordan: Amman; N 31.893847, E 36.000300; 800 meters; Modern (is included in map)
Collecting event
October 16, 1957
male, dorsal view (holotype)
male, lateral view (holotype)
male, ventral view (holotype)
male head and pronotum, dorsal view (holotype)
male head and pronotum, lateral view (holotype)
labels (holotype)
Ecological relationships      

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