Orthoptera Species File (Version 5.0/5.0)
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Data for specimen record

Current: species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851)
Historical: Tropinotus angusticollis; syntype of species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851); cited by Blanchard, E. 1851. Fauna chilena. Orden VI. Ortópteros. In Gay, C. [Ed.]. Historia física y politica de Chile. 6 (Zool.):5-85
Tropidostethus angusticollis; lectotype of species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851); cited by Cigliano. 1999. On the status of Tropidostethus Philippi and Elysiacris Rehn (Orthoptera, Tristiridae). Journal of Orthoptera Research. 8:53-58
Basis of record: not specified
Counts: females 1
Depository: MNHN, Paris
Data source: not recorded
Other: no data
Chile; Modern (not included in map)
Collecting event
[no data recorded]
label (lectotype), Image, Carbonell, C.S.
female, lateral view (lectotype), Image, Carbonell, C.S.
female, dorsal view (lectotype), Image, Carbonell, C.S.
Ecological relationships      

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