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List of specimens identified as subspecies Aiolopus simulatrix simulatrix (Walker, 1870)


   Kind of typeFull locality
  unspecified primary type of synonym Heteropternis savignyi Krauss, 1890Northern Africa, Egypt
  [not recorded as a type]Arabian Peninsula, Yemen
  [not recorded as a type]Macaronesia, Cape Verde
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Benin
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Burkina
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Gambia
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Mali
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Mauritania
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Niger
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Nigeria
  [not recorded as a type]West Tropical Africa, Senegal
  [not recorded as a type]West-Central Tropical Africa, Cameroon
  [not recorded as a type]Northeast Tropical Africa, Chad
  [not recorded as a type]Northern Africa, Libya
  [not recorded as a type]Southwestern Europe, Sardegna
  holotype of subspecies Aiolopus simulatrix simulatrix (Walker, 1870)Indian Subcontinent, India, Maharashtra: South Hindustan
  holotype of synonym Aiolopus strepens deserticola Uvarov, 1922Western Asia, Iran: Kazvin
  unspecified primary type of synonym Aeolopus laticosta Bolívar, 1912Western Indian Ocean, Chagos Archipelago: Diego Garcia [Chagos I.?]
  syntype of synonym Epacromia affinis Bolívar, 1902; lectotype of synonym Epacromia affinis Bolívar, 1902Indian Subcontinent, India, Tamil Nadu: Madurai
  [not recorded as a type]Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia
  [not recorded as a type]Northern Africa, Algeria
  [not recorded as a type]Arabian Peninsula, Gulf States, United Arab Emirates
  [not recorded as a type]Western Asia, Turkey
  [not recorded as a type]Indian Subcontinent, India, Tamil Nadu
  [not recorded as a type]Indian Subcontinent, Maldives
  [not recorded as a type]Western Asia, Iraq: Baghdad
26 specimens listed

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