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List of specimens identified as species Stenocatantops splendens (Thunberg, 1815)


   Kind of typeFull locality
  [not recorded as a type]Indian Subcontinent, Nepal
  [not recorded as a type]Indian Subcontinent, India
  unspecified primary type of synonym Acridium (Oxya) infuscatum Haan, 1842Malesia, Sulawesi: Tondano
  holotype of synonym Cyrtacanthacris nana Walker, 1870Malesia, Borneo, Sarawak
  holotype of synonym Cyrtacanthacris obliqua Walker, 1871China
  unspecified primary type of synonym Catantops splendens variety pallipes Karny, 1907
  holotype of synonym Acridium rufitibia Walker, 1859Indian Subcontinent, Sri Lanka
  holotype of synonym Cyrtacanthacris tenella Walker, 1870
  unspecified primary type of synonym Catantops splendens vitrea Karny, 1907
  holotype of synonym Acridium ceramicum Walker, 1870Malesia, Maluka
  unspecified primary type of synonym Acridium coreanum Walker, 1870Eastern Asia, Korea
  holotype of synonym Cyrtacanthacris ferrina Walker, 1870Malesia, Philippines
  holotype of species Stenocatantops splendens (Thunberg, 1815)China
  unspecified primary type of synonym Acridium luteolum Serville, 1838Malesia, Jawa
  [not recorded as a type]Indian Subcontinent, East Himalaya, Bhutan: Wangdue Phodrang
  holotype of synonym Acridium cinereum Blanchard, 1853Macaronesia, Canary Is.: Tenerife [locality incorrect]
  unspecified primary type of synonym Gesonula rehni Akbar & Baloch, 1970Indian Subcontinent, Pakistan: Peshawar and Mirpurkhas
  [not recorded as a type]Indo-China, Vietnam
  [not recorded as a type]China, China Southeast, Zhejiang
  [not recorded as a type]Indo-China, Thailand: Nakhon Ratchasima Province, near Sakaerat Environmental Research Station
  [not recorded as a type]Malesia, Philippines: Siargao
21 specimens listed

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