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List of specimens identified as species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851)


   Kind of typeFull locality
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Pque. Nac. Lanín, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Pque. Nac. Lanín, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Pque. Nac. Lanín, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Rio Negro: Parque nacional Lanín, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Rio Negro: Estación Foresta, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Lago Queñi
  [not recorded as a type]
  paralectotype of species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851)
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile Central, Santiago
  paralectotype of species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851)
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile Central, La Araucania: Villarrica
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile Central, La Araucania: Villarrica
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Hua-Hum, Pque. Nac. Lanín
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Pque. Nac. Lanín, Lago Hermoso
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Pque. Nac. Lanín, Lago Hermoso
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Pque. Nac. Lanín, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Rio Negro: Parque Nacional Lanín, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Estación Foresta, Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: San Martín de los Andes, Quechuquina y Pucará
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Currhué Escorial
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Lago Lacar Yuco
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Lago Lacar Nonthue
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Neuquén: Chaitén
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Rio Negro: Lago Frías
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Argentina South, Rio Negro: Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Pampa Linda, Senda al Castaño Overo
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile Central, La Araucania: Villarrica
  syntype of synonym Tropidostethus bicarinatus Philippi, 1863; lectotype of synonym Tropidostethus bicarinatus Philippi, 1863Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Región de Los Ríos, Valdivia
  syntype of species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851); lectotype of species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851)Chile
  paralectotype of species Tropidostethus angusticollis (Blanchard, 1851)Chile
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Aisén: Puerto Aisen
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Aisén: Puerto Cisnes
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Cautín, Licanray
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Chiloé, Guabún
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Llanquihue, Frutillar
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Llanquihue, Pargua
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Llanquihue, Petrohué
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Llanquihue, Puerto Varas
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile Central, La Araucania: Malleco, Angol P.N. Nahuelbuta
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Osorno, Bahía Manza
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Osorno, La Picada
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Osorno, P.N. Puyehue
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Osorno, Pucatrihue
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Palena
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Valdívia, Santo Domingo
  [not recorded as a type]Southern South America, Chile South, Los Lagos: Valdívia
46 specimens listed

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