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List of specimens identified as species Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) dendrophilus (Gorochov, 1988)


   Kind of typeFull locality
  holotype of species Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) dendrophilus (Gorochov, 1988)Indo-China, Vietnam
  holotype of synonym Duolandrevus hongkongae Otte, 1988China, China Southeast, Hong Kong: Tai Po Kai Forestry Station
  [not recorded as a type]Indo-China, Vietnam: Mount Mau Son
  [not recorded as a type]China, China Southeast, Fujian: Wuyishan
  [not recorded as a type]China, China Southeast, Guangxi: Damingshan
  [not recorded as a type]China, China Southeast, Guangdong: Nanling National Nature Reserve
  [not recorded as a type]China, China South-central, Guizhou: Leishan, Fangxiang
  [not recorded as a type]China, China South-central, Sichuan: Chunzhou, Jiguanshan
  [not recorded as a type]China, China Southeast, Guangdong: Shenzhen, Dapeng Peninsula National Geopark
9 specimens listed

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